
Why Should You Hire a Controlled Environment Agriculture Consulting Services?

Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) has emerged as a revolutionary approach to cultivating crops in an environment where various parameters like temperature, humidity, and light can be meticulously controlled. To navigate this intricate field successfully, hiring CEA consulting services is a strategic move that can offer numerous advantages.


What Is Controlled Environment Agriculture?

Controlled Environment Agriculture refers to growing crops within a controlled environment, often using technologies like hydroponics, aeroponics, and vertical farming. This method enables cultivators to tailor the growing conditions to the specific needs of each crop, resulting in accelerated growth, increased yields, and minimized resource wastage.

What Are the Benefits of CEA?

Before delving into the advantages of hiring CEA consulting services, it’s important to recognize the benefits of Controlled Environment Agriculture itself. CEA allows for year-round cultivation regardless of external weather conditions, reduces the need for pesticides due to the controlled environment, and optimizes resource utilization, making it a highly sustainable option.


Benefits of Hiring a CEA Consulting Service

Here are the benefits of hiring a CEA consulting service in detail: 

Increased Chances of Success

Engaging in a CEA consulting service enhances your prospects of success. These experts bring in-depth knowledge about the intricacies of controlled environments, crop-specific requirements, and the latest advancements in agricultural technologies. With their guidance, you can fine-tune your cultivation practices and maximize the quality and quantity of your yields.

Reduced Risk

Implementing CEA involves a substantial investment in technology, infrastructure, and resources. Without proper guidance, there’s a higher risk of costly mistakes or suboptimal utilization of these resources. CEA consulting services provide a risk-mitigation strategy by offering insights derived from hands-on experience and industry best practices.

Access to Expertise

CEA consulting services are staffed with professionals who comprehensively understand agronomy, horticulture, engineering, and technology integration. By hiring them, you gain access to a diverse skill set that is crucial for designing and managing a successful controlled environment cultivation.

Time Savings

Embarking on a CEA journey requires extensive research, planning, and trial and error. By hiring experts, you can significantly reduce the time spent on experimentation and quickly move towards a productive operational phase. This time efficiency can be invaluable in a field where timeliness directly affects profitability.

Peace of Mind

Navigating the complexities of CEA can be overwhelming, especially for those new to the concept. Hiring a consulting service provides peace of mind, knowing that qualified professionals oversee every aspect of your project. This assurance allows you to focus on other critical aspects of your business.



How to Hire a CEA Consulting Service

To get a CEA consulting service that fits what you are looking for, consider the following: 

Get Quote

Initiate the process by requesting a detailed quote from potential consulting services. This will give you a clear understanding of the costs and help you make an informed decision. It will also allow you to discuss any specific needs or objectives.

Ask About Their Experience

Inquire about the consulting service’s track record. Ask for case studies or examples of previous projects they’ve worked on. This will give you insights into their expertise and whether their past projects align with your goals.

Communicate Your Needs

Communicate your objectives, preferences, and constraints to the consulting service. This will enable them to tailor their guidance to suit your specific requirements, ensuring a customized and effective approach.


Work With Bract & Pistil

Controlled environment agriculture has many advantages, including year-round production and resource optimization. Engaging the services of a CEA consulting agency is a wise strategic move to capitalize on these advantages successfully. Take advantage of the power of consulting services for controlled environment agriculture to ensure the success of your agricultural activities.

Bract & Pistil is a small, curated team of professionals providing consulting services on Controlled Environmental Agriculture (CEA). We comprehend our clients’ goals, and with our knowledge, we help them become a reality. Contact us today and find out how we can assist you!


What Services Does Agricultural Consulting Cover?

The success of cultivation enterprises depends on staying ahead of the curve and making educated decisions in the world of agriculture. In this situation, agricultural consulting is useful. Agricultural consulting provides a vast array of services intended to help and improve agricultural operations.

In this blog, we’ll examine what agricultural consulting is and the services it offers while emphasizing what it offers to controlled environment agriculture businesses.


What is Agricultural Consulting?

Agricultural consulting is a specialized service that offers cultivators and agricultural enterprises technical advice and knowledge. Agriculture specialists with in-depth knowledge of various crop techniques, technologies, and market trends frequently provide these consulting services. Agricultural consulting aims to enhance agricultural enterprises’ productivity, profitability, and sustainability.


Types of Agricultural Consulting Services

Deciding to hire agricultural consulting services will allow your business to perform like never before. Here are the services you can acquire:

Business Development and Planning

Agricultural consultants’ business planning and development services include creating strategic plans and expansion strategies for farming firms. Consultants evaluate the cultivation’s current condition, pinpoint opportunities for development, and create workable plans to accomplish commercial goals. 

Cultivators using these services gain professional guidance on resource allocation optimization, revenue stream diversification, and market research. Increased profitability and long-term sustainability are the results of this.

Financial planning

Financial planning is crucial for any type of business, and agriculture sectors are no different. Agricultural consultants can help cultivators and owners  by designing financial plans tailored to their specific goals and needs.

Site Evaluation

Site evaluation involves thoroughly assessing the land where the cultivation operations are based. Agricultural consultants research the best way to use the land based on available utilities, environmental factors, existing structures, the need for new structures and an intelligent traffic flow pattern for both employees and customers.

By hiring these services from their agricultural consultants, cultivators optimize their resource utilization, productivity, and alleviate potential risks. 



Crop Consulting

The main goals of crop consulting services are to increase crop yields and quality. Agricultural consultants offer insightful advice on choosing suitable genetics, grow media, nutrients, plant maintenance, crop steering techniques, pest management strategies, and irrigation procedures, helpful technology and operation strategies.

Soil management

Agriculture’s fundamental component, soil, directly impacts crop productivity. Agricultural experts focusing on soil management evaluate soil fertility, nitrogen levels, and pH balance. 

Through techniques like cover crops, the integration of organic matter, and precise nutrient treatment, agricultural consultants provide solutions for soil health. Improved crop growth and sustainable agricultural methods are the results of better soil management.

Advisory Project Management

The management of diverse agricultural projects from inception to conclusion is a part of advisory project management services. Owners, cultivators, and consultants work together to design, carry out, and supervise projects like constructing new infrastructure, upgrading equipment, or incorporating technology. 

Advisory project management services shorten project schedules, make implementation economical, and ensure successful project outcomes.

Facility Design

Facility design services include planning and designing agricultural infrastructure, such as barns, greenhouses, and processing facilities. For effective workflow, space efficiency, and adherence to safety regulations, consultants optimize the plan. 

Cultivators may increase output and guarantee efficient operations with these services by implementing practical and functional designs.

System Integration & Operations

Utilizing contemporary technologies to enhance agricultural operations is the main emphasis of system integration services. Consultants assist growers in integrating cutting-edge equipment, including automation systems, IoT sensors, and data analytics. 

System integration and operation services result in greater efficiency across various farm activities, decreased labor costs, and optimized resource utilization.

Pest and Disease Management

If pests and illnesses are not successfully controlled, they can destroy crops. Identifying, preventing, and managing pests and illnesses is a specialty of agricultural consultants. Cultivators may safeguard their crops while limiting the use of chemicals and supporting environmental sustainability by employing integrated pest management tactics.


Experience the Bract & Pistil Difference

Controlled environment agriculture has its benefits and agriculture consultancy is essential to helping cannabis businesses succeed in today’s competitive environment. These services enable cultivation teams to make data-driven decisions, increase production, and achieve long-term success in the agricultural industry.

Here at Bract & Pistil, we oversee project management, troubleshoot obstacles, provide solutions, organize and teach operating procedures, and continue the journey with our clients for as long as needed. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

controlled environment agriculture companies

What to Look for in a Controlled Environment Agriculture Consulting Company?

Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) is quickly becoming an important part of the future of farming in the United States. This form of indoor farming mimics the ideal conditions for crops to grow in the environment. Still, it takes away the negative aspects of some environmental factors on the outcome of crops.

To maintain your controlled environment agriculture properly, you must be aware of many factors that can help you keep your business running smoothly. Hiring a CEA consulting company can alleviate the burden of maintaining and help you be updated with the latest and best practices you can implement in your business.

This blog will give you an overview of what you should look for in a controlled environment agriculture consulting company and why they are important to improve your crop production. 

Role of Consulting Companies in Supporting CEA

CEA paves the way for the future with its innovative practices that have increased investments in indoor farming and new opportunities. CEA consulting companies help businesses benefit from this new model. These consulting companies play an important role in supporting controlled environment agriculture. They help businesses move through the CEA world with their knowledge of horticulture, agronomy, and the latest technologies; their main roles are: 

  • Conducting research
  • Giving technical advice
  • Optimizing resource efficiency
  • Crop management

They assist in developing customized solutions, staying updated with industry trends, and ensuring CEA operations’ long-term success. Consulting companies contribute to the growth and sustainability of CEA through valuable insights, strategies, and ongoing support.

Expertise and Experience

When choosing a CEA consulting company, look for those with expertise and experience in the field. This means they will have a deep understanding of horticulture, agronomy, and the latest advances in the industry. They will provide valuable insights, innovative solutions, and effective strategies to implement in your operations. 

Qualifications and Credentials

When considering a CEA consulting company, verify their qualifications and credentials. Look for consultants with relevant degrees in horticulture, agronomy, or related fields. This ensures you engage with a reputable company backed by qualified professionals capable of delivering effective CEA solutions.

Customization and Innovative Solutions

Reliable CEA consulting companies offer customization and innovative solutions. Choose a firm that customizes its strategies to meet your specific needs and goals. Thinking outside the box, using technology, and implementing the best practices will provide creativity and effective solutions. 

A focus on innovation ensures they can address unique challenges, optimize system performance, and stay at the forefront of advancements in CEA.

cea companies

Collaborative Approach

A collaborative approach is essential in a CEA consulting company. Look for firms that prioritize open communication and teamwork and actively involve clients in decision-making. A collaborative approach ensures a thorough understanding of client needs, fosters a strong partnership, and allows for effective problem-solving. 

Consultants should listen, adapt their strategies, and work together with clients to achieve successful outcomes in CEA projects.

Team Composition and Expertise

When evaluating a CEA consulting company, consider its team composition and expertise. Look for a diverse team with specialists in horticulture, agronomy, engineering, and other relevant fields. Their collective knowledge and experience enable a comprehensive approach to CEA projects. 

A well-rounded team with diverse expertise ensures a robust and well-informed consulting experience for CEA implementation and optimization.

Client Portfolio and Case Studies

Reviewing a CEA consulting company’s client portfolio and case studies is crucial. Examine their past projects, success stories, and testimonials from satisfied clients. A strong and diverse client portfolio demonstrates their ability to handle various CEA challenges. Case studies showcase their problem-solving skills and innovative solutions. 

Sustainability and Environmental Goals

Look for firms emphasizing resource efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly practices in CEA design and operation. A focus on sustainability ensures the long-term viability of CEA systems while minimizing the environmental impact. Choose a consulting company aligned with your values for a sustainable and responsible approach to CEA.

Your Consulting Company of Choice

Bract & Pistil is committed to providing consulting services to the cannabis industry on controlled environment agriculture. Our experience, adaptability, and project success rate have been proven in our work over the years.

Contact us now to start improving your business and create a strategy tailored to your needs and goals.



What is a Controlled Environment Agricultural Consultant?

In the controlled environment agricultural industry, cultivators, operators, and owners depend on professional advice regarding their crop production to improve their productivity and efficiency. This is where controlled environment agricultural consultants step in. These specialized consultants are responsible for developing new procedures and techniques to solve problems and improve operational productivity.

This blog will give you an insight into what controlled environment agricultural consultants do and our role in the controlled environment agricultural industry. 

What is the Role of a Controlled Environment Agricultural Consultant?

The role of a controlled environment agricultural consultant is to provide technical and financial advice to operating, environmental, and public sector staff. Their goal is to aid operators, owners, and others with agricultural interests, ensuring there are commercially viable and successful businesses with awareness of community and environmental impact. These types of consultants can either specialize in business or technical expertise. 

Business-focused consultants advise on financial elements and business planning, while technical consultants support cultivators on how to use their operation effectively, often focusing on environmental issues or energy efficiency. 

What Do Controlled Environment Agricultural Consultants Do?

Controlled environment agricultural consultants have various duties when working with a client. These responsibilities will aid the client in finding which areas of their business they can improve and what new methods they should implement. Typical duties include:

  • Visiting operations to gather information and data about client’s business’
  • Analyzing Data
  • Conducting Research
  • Developing Financial Models
  • Developing relevant strategies to support client’s business plans based on data
  • Recommending New Technology
  • Implementing New Processes
  • Maintain awareness of sector developments as well as the wider controlled environment agricultural sector. 

Most of the work can be done from home or office with a thorough monitoring infrastructure, although some consultants must spend time on site at facilities and farms developing these functions. 

Skills and Qualifications of a Controlled Environment Agricultural Consultant

Controlled environment agricultural consultants must have a set of skills and qualifications to provide the best service to their clients. These set of skills include:

  • Research 
  • Data Analysis
  • Communication
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Time Management Skills
  • Industry Experience

Besides possessing these skills, controlled environment agricultural consultants must have a strong understanding of plants, processes, and people. In addition, they must have a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science or agribusiness.

agricultural consultant service

Services Provided by Controlled Environment Agricultural Consultants

As we have learned, controlled environment agricultural consultants play a vital role in supporting cultivators, businesses, and organizations by offering a range of specialized services. Their job is to use their expertise to optimize cultivation operations, enhance productivity, and be aware of modern cultivation practices that can help a client’s business. 

Crop and Media Management Advice

Consultants are responsible for crop monitoring at their client’s operations. They provide guidance on crop selection, planting techniques, plant health, irrigation, environment, yields, quality assurance & quality control, and any other crop monitoring aspects for their clients. In addition, they analyze media, fertilizers, and cost to performance structures. Based on the results, they give recommendations on media improvement, nutrient management, and cost conservation. 

Cultivation Planning and Optimization

Besides advising in media and crop management, controlled environment agricultural consultants also assist in planning a cultivation and operations layout, infrastructure, and equipment selection. Their expertise will help their clients optimize crop production, facility usage, and development.

Financial and Risk Analysis

Cultivation operations also come with potential risks that need to be foreseen. Controlled environment agricultural consultants assess these risks and develop risk management plans. In addition, they also assist with insurance coverage with redundant failsafes and strategies to mitigate risks. 

Sustainable Controlled Environment Agricultural Practices

Consultants have expertise in cultivation, water management, electrical conservation, and environmental impact & preservation. A controlled environment agricultural consultant will promote sustainable cultivation practices as well as necessary data collection and compliance with environmental regulations.

Pest and Disease Management Strategies

Cultivation businesses have the risk of pests and diseases being spread throughout their crops. Controlled environment agricultural consultants are responsible for developing pest control strategies to mitigate and eradicate pests and diseases from the cultivation facility. 

Best Agricultural Advising for Your Business

Bract & Pistil is committed to providing the best consulting services for your agricultural business. Our project management advisory service will be tailored to your business’s needs. If you want to upgrade your facility management, don’t hesitate to contact us and get a quote!

controlled environments

What are the Types of Controlled Environments?

Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) has become the answer for many growers looking to meet the increasing demand for reliable, consistent, high-quality crops, including medical and recreational plants. 

CEA is a technology-based strategy that creates a safe environment and maintains optimal growth conditions within a closed structure—like a greenhouse or cultivation facility. With techniques such as drip irrigation, vertical cultivation, and automation, CEA optimizes resources like water, energy, space, money, and in turn, labor while increasing product quality. Within these systems, we sometimes see the implementation of hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics.

What’s great about CEA is that it’s not limited to traditional greenhouse structures—it can also be applied to existing buildings and new construction. In this article, we will dive into different types of controlled environments and the benefits of each.

Examples of Controlled Environment

Now that we’ve covered the basics of controlled environment agriculture let’s look at some examples. In the following sections, we’ll explore these types of CEA and their unique benefits.



Greenhouses are the most popular and widely-used type of CEA due to their versatility and efficiency. These transparent structures, made of glass or plastic, allow natural light to pass through while trapping heat and humidity inside. In this resulting warm, humid environment, crops can be grown year-round, making it ideal for cultivators looking to maintain a steady supply of consistent crop production regardless of the season.

In addition, greenhouses can be constructed on-site or off-site, which is particularly advantageous in urban areas with limited land space. Furthermore, modern greenhouses can be equipped with advanced climate control systems that optimize resources like water and energy, making them even more efficient and sustainable. Greenhouses also protect from pests and extreme weather conditions, resulting in higher crop yields and reduced crop loss.

Cultivation Facilities

Cultivation Facilities

Cultivation Facilities are often used to grow crops with strict requirements for light and environmental conditions, such as medicinal plants or certain herbs. They allow for more precise control over growing conditions than other forms of CEA, which can result in faster growth, higher quality, and higher yields.

Additionally, cultivation facilities can operate in urban areas without access to natural light or arable land, making them an excellent option for bringing local crops closer to local consumers. Although a cultivation facility’s initial investment and operational costs can be high, the upside is that the return on the investment can be seen over the years strictly from what may have been crop loss in traditional farming settings.  



Hydroponics is a type of soilless farming that uses nutrient-rich water solutions instead of soil for growing plants. This method enables growers to maximize growth by providing plants with the exact combination of nutrients they need without worrying about soil quality or environmental conditions. Plus, it requires less energy, water, and space than traditional farming and produces higher yields with minimal waste.

Hydroponics systems can be designed to be modular and scalable, allowing for easy expansion or relocation, and they can be used to grow a wide variety of plants, including vegetables, herbs, fruits, and even flowers. Additionally, since hydroponics systems don’t require soil, they can be set up virtually anywhere, from urban rooftops to arid deserts.



Aquaponics is an innovative form of CEA that combines traditional aquaculture with hydroponics. This system uses the natural byproducts from the aquaculture tank to feed the hydroponic beds. The fish waste provides valuable natural fertilizer, and the water is filtered through the beds before being returned to the tank. 

Aquaponics systems can increase crop production, reduce water usage, and provide an ecologically-friendly solution for growing indoors.

One interesting aspect of aquaponics is that it is a closed-loop system, meaning that the water is continuously recycled and reused, reducing the overall water usage of the system. Aquaponics systems can also grow various plants, from leafy greens to fruiting crops like tomatoes and cucumbers to tropical plants and even cannabis. This makes it a versatile and practical solution for indoor growing.



Aeroponics is a form of CEA that grows plants in the air. With this growing method, the roots are suspended in the air and sprayed with a water and nutrient solution. The enclosed environment helps to capture the mist and ensure optimal growing conditions. Aeroponics is highly-efficient, using up to 90% less water than some hydroponic systems

One notable advantage of aeroponics is that it allows for faster plant growth and larger yields due to the high oxygenation of the roots. This method also minimizes the risk of soil-borne diseases and pests, making it an ideal solution for growing clean and healthy crops. In addition, since the roots are suspended in the air, there is no need for soil or other growing mediums, simplifying the cultivation process.

Expert CEA Consulting: Optimize Crops with Bract & Pistil

No matter what type of crop you’re growing, controlled environment agriculture (CEA) is a technology-based approach that requires careful planning and management for successful results. CEA allows growers to optimize resources, create a safe growing environment, and produce abundant crops year-round. You can increase crop yield and quality with the right approach while reducing costs.

At Bract & Pistil, we are a team of experienced professionals providing consulting services to growers in various industries, including cannabis and hemp and varieties of both medicinal and recreational plants. With over 60 years of experience in agriculture, we understand our customers’ visions and can help turn them into a reality. We specialize in controlled environment and facility management, offering tailored solutions to your needs.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve success in controlled environment agriculture.

advantages of controlled environment agriculture

What Are the Advantages of Controlled Environment Agriculture?

Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) is a modern way to farm that involves growing plants in a controlled environment, usually indoors or in greenhouses, using advanced technologies like hydroponics, aeroponics,  aquaponics, living soil, coco, and rockwool.

Advantages of CEA over conventional farming include better crop yields, more consistent harvest times, and safety from weather, pests, and disease. In this blog, we will look at the many advantages of CEA and why it is becoming a more popular choice for growers and cultivators worldwide.

Optimum Growing Conditions

One of the most significant advantages of controlled environment agriculture is that it offers plants with ideal growing conditions. Growers can make an environment perfect for their crops by controlling the temperature, humidity, vapor pressure deficit (vpd), light, and CO2 levels. This allows for faster growth, higher yields, and better quality of production, which results in increased profitability.

Year-Round Growth

commercial cannabis growth

Another benefit of CEA is growing crops year-round, independent of weather or seasonal variations. This allows growers to cultivate year round, providing a continuous supply of locally grown product throughout the year. This is especially important in places with harsh weather or short growing seasons.

Prevents Damage From:

Controlled environment agriculture also offers protection from various environmental factors that can damage crops, including weather, pests, and diseases.


Growers can safeguard their harvests against natural disasters like floods, droughts, and storms by cultivating their crops indoors or in greenhouses. This lowers the possibility of crop loss and guarantees a consistent supply of produce regardless of changes in the weather.


Indoor growing also allows for effective pest control measures that prevent damage from insects and other pests that can be difficult to control outdoors. This eliminates the need for dangerous pesticides and lowers the risk of chemical contamination.


In addition, CEA can help prevent the spread of diseases that can quickly destroy entire crops. Growers can lower the danger of disease outbreaks, assure the health and productivity of their crops, and decrease exposure to pathogens by managing the environment.

Uses Fewer Resources


CEA also reduces waste and promotes sustainability in the agricultural sector, two areas where conventional farming practices often fall short.


Growers can dramatically lower the water required to grow crops by utilizing hydroponic drip or aeroponic systems. These systems recycle nutrients and water, using up to 90% less water than conventional irrigation techniques.


CEA also enables accurate nutrient distribution to plants, cutting down on wasteful applications of fertilizer that can damage ecosystems and pollute water supplies. This not only saves money but also helps protect the environment by reducing the number of harmful chemicals released into the ecosystem.


Lastly, CEA reduces the need for dangerous pesticides that can harm the environment and people. Growers can produce healthier, safer, and more sustainable crops by managing pests using natural techniques like biological controls and insect traps.

You Require Less Land

hydroponic salad

Another benefit of CEA is that it uses less land than traditional farming. Certain indoor cultivation systems use up to 10 times less space than conventional outdoor farming. As CEA eliminates the requirement for row spacing and reduces the need for machinery to manage crops, it is a great option for places with limited space, such as cities and urban areas.

Evaluate Your CEA System

If you want to implement a CEA system or improve your current one, consider consulting with Bract & Pistil, a leading CEA consulting service provider. Our team of experts can guide you through setting up and optimizing your CEA system to ensure maximum efficiency, yield, and profitability. 

Contact us today to evaluate your CEA system and take the first step towards a more sustainable and profitable future in agriculture.

Bract & Pistil team with Growing Belushi Cast

Bract & Pistil featured on Growing Belushi

Bract & Pistil featured on an upcoming episode of Growing Belushi

Check out Jim Belushi on an all-new season of his hit show Growing Belushi, premiering April 5th @ 9 PM ET/PT on the Discovery Channel. Bract & Pistil‘s Jeremy Corrao joins the Belushi Team for season 3 as they search outside Oregon for expansion opportunities in the Cannabis Industry.

Growing Belushi Premiere

Statements from the Bract & Pistil Team about their experience:

Jeremy Corrao, Co-Owner of Bract & Pistil 

“The Growing Belushi team is incredibly welcoming and understanding and cares for each other as a family. The entire crew makes you comfortable on and off camera; they are hilarious, good-natured, and genuinely support each other and the cannabis industry. I am a better person for being part of the Belushi Family.”

Laurel Horne, Co-Owner of Bract & Pistil 

“Working with the Growing Belushi team this year was life-changing. I was able to experience parts of the world (and connect with people that have changed the fabric of my being. The crew supporting the show is incredibly funny, genuine, and kind, and I am excited that our company is part of the show and working with the Belushi Brand.”

Benjamin Handwerger, Co-Owner of Bract & Pistil 

“My encounters with the Belushi Team thus far have been nothing short of spectacular. From well-thought-out and methodical planning, clear and concise communication, and precision timing and execution, the entire Belushi crew has been a delight to work with. They are thoughtful beyond the norm of entirety, very inclusive of the plant(s), people, and process that we are so truly passionate about at Bract & Pistil, and thus make it very easy for our teams to align on future upgrades, integrations, and partnerships that the Belushi brand is so extremely well suited for in our industry.“

About Growing Belushi:

“Growing Belushi” is a television show that follows the journey of Jim Belushi and his team as they establish Belushi’s Farm, a legal cannabis farm in Oregon, and work to spread awareness about the benefits of legalized cannabis. The show features Jim Belushi and his team as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of the cannabis industry, from growing and harvesting cannabis plants to creating new products and developing business partnerships.

More info here!

About Bract & Pistil:

Bract & Pistil is a small, curated team of professionals in the Controlled Environmental Agriculture (CEA) industry chosen for our experience, ability to adapt to industry fluctuations, and proven project success. CEA facility design and operations are our niches, and we work with our customer’s vision to create a controlled environment where they can cultivate their dreams. 

what is controlled environment agriculture

What Is Controlled Environment Agriculture?

Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is the practice of growing crops in a protected environment. Usually indoors or in greenhouses, and controlling factors such as temperature, humidity, lighting, and nutrient levels to optimize growth. In CEA systems, plants grow in optimal conditions year-round, resulting in higher yields with fewer resources. 

CEA allows farmers to produce more food in a shorter time while reducing the risk of pests and disease. We will explain why CEA is important, what aspects of the environment can be controlled, and how it works. 

How Does It Work? 

how does cea works

CEA systems are designed to improve the growing conditions of the crops. They create the ideal environment for crop cultivation and reduce the risk of disease and pest invasion. Crops can be grown hydroponically or aeroponically when utilizing indoor lighting. 

Roots bask in nutrient-rich water in hydroponic systems. With aeroponics, root structures are delicately misted with a combination of both water and nutrients. 

Here is a quick overview of what controlled environment agriculture (CEA) entails: 

1. The controlled environment is created using sensors, controllers, and other technology to monitor and regulate the various elements inside the facility. 

2. Lighting provides energy for photosynthesis and controls photoperiods and plant growth cycles. 

3. Temperature, humidity, ventilation, carbon dioxide, and nutrient levels are monitored and adjusted to maximize plant growth. 

4. Crops can be grown in containers filled with soilless media or hydroponically in nutrient-rich water. 

5. Integrated pest management (IPM) techniques achieve pest and disease control.

6. Harvested crops can be stored in controlled-temperature rooms or cold storage facilities to maintain optimum freshness. 

Why Is Controlled Environment Agriculture Important?

controlled environment agriculture

Controlled environment agriculture is important for several reasons. Crops are able to be cultivated year-round in optimal environments by farmers, reducing the risk of pests and disease. This increases yields with fewer inputs. 

CEA can produce local fresh food in urban areas and extend the growing season while minimizing environmental impacts. Additionally, CEA systems can reduce the amount of water and other inputs required for crop cultivation. This makes it a more sustainable form of agriculture. 

CEA is an important tool for modern farmers looking to maximize yields and produce high-quality crops in a controlled environment. When used properly, it can be used to generate higher profits and minimize losses due to pests, disease, and environmental stress. 

What Aspects Can You Control in Controlled Environment Agriculture? 

what aspects can you control with cea

There are various aspects that you can control by using a controlled environment agriculture system. These include: 


Lighting supplements what would be available from the sun and controls photoperiods and plant growth cycles. The type, intensity, and duration of lighting used will depend on what crops are being grown and what time of year. 

Plant growth, flowering, and taste can all be controlled by altering the light spectrum used at various growth stages.


Temperature directly affects the rate of photosynthesis and should be monitored closely to ensure optimal growth. 


Humidity levels should be kept within a certain range to ensure the plants do not experience excessive stress. Also, certain types of pests thrive in high humidity, so the levels need to be monitored closely. 

Traditional farming practice using general watering to irrigate plants uses more water than required for a CEA operation. This is an important fact to highlight


CEA systems are designed to ensure adequate air circulation, which helps to keep temperature and humidity levels in check. 

Carbon Dioxide 

Plants require carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, so it is important to maintain optimal CO2 levels. Carbon dioxide can be added artificially if necessary. 


It is important to monitor and adjust the nutrients in the soil and water. It will affect the growth rate and health of the plants. 

Pest Control 

Integrated pest management (IPM) techniques should be used to prevent pests from invading the facility. Pest control is vital to ensure high-quality crops. 


After harvest, the crops can be stored in controlled-temperature rooms or a cold storage facility to maintain optimum freshness. 

CEA provides modern farmers with a way to maximize yields and produce high-quality crops in a controlled environment. The Bract & Pistil team can review your cultivation business plan and provide advice based on our years of CEA experience. 

Advising for Controlled Environment Agriculture Companies

Controlled environment agriculture is an important tool for modern farmers looking to maximize their profits. By using sophisticated technology, CEA systems can create the ideal crop-growing environment. With the right technology and know-how, it can generate higher yields and minimize losses due to pests. 

The Bract & Pistil team is well-versed in the CEA industry and can provide valuable advice to help your cultivation business plan succeed. We will review your project and give you our insight and advice based on our years of experience for you to achieve optimal growing conditions for your crops. 

We can help break down this complex industry to help prepare your company and team for future success. Contact us today to learn how we can help you succeed in the CEA industry.