Single-celled microorganisms which can be beneficial or harmful to plant growth depending on species and function with respect to plants.
A term used in hydroponics which describes bacterial colonies which work synergistically with plants to defend against harmful diseases or fungi, increase the uptake of nutrients, and/or aid in the breakdown of organic materials.
Boron plays a major role in the cell wall biosynthesis that primarily influences many growth factors including root elongation, tissue differentiation, pollen germination, pollen tube growth, and cell membrane functions. Boron exists mostly in dicotyledonous plants within cell wall components.
The weed plant anatomy includes small, pear-shaped leaves, otherwise known as bracts, which form the buds on the marijuana plant. Sometimes, bracts are called the seed pod, as they cover and protect the cannabis seed. You can find bracts between the sugar leaves. They are often green in color but may change colors and appear in different sizes and shapes. Bracts have many resin glands, which lend to them being one of the prime parts of a cannabis plant, specifically where the highest THC concentration is found in the entire marijuana plant.
The branches are parts of the cannabis plant, which grow from the main stem, giving the plant extra support for the fan leaves and flowers. The cannabis plant’s branches will grow thicker as the leaves grow and continue to absorb sunlight.